Sickblog 1.0

I've been home sick since Thursday at 1pm. I cannot go back to work until Wednesday, at the earliest, per my Doctor. Ginger is loving this situation, and it's causing her to be even more possessive that usual. ( See picture above.) Since I've been at home for almost a week, I have nothing interesting to write about except all things sick, so let's start there. Last Wednesday afternoon I was making dinner and preparing to go have a few beers with Miss Stephanie when, all of a sudden, I got so dizzy that I had to grab onto the kitchen counter not to fall over. It was really weird, like my whole world slanted for a second. After that I didn't feel right. So I canceled with Stephanie, figuring that if I got a good night's sleep I would be fine in the morning. So I finished dinner and went upstairs... and fell asleep around 7. I woke up Thursday morning with the most sore throat I've ever had. From the top of my ears to my chest hurt. But that was all that hurt, so I went to work. However, around 11am I started to feel really sick. Dizzy, sweaty, couldn't stop coughing. So I thought, hey, if I go home now and sleep through tomorrow I'll be 100% by Saturday. Again, wrong. I was so sick on Friday that I barely wanted to move and one Saturday when I finally made it to the doctor I was so feverish and dizzy and in pain that I couldn't stand on the scale to be weighed. My whole body hurt, literally to the point where if anything that was hotter or colder than my skin touched me, it felt like needles. I cried all the way there, through the whole visit and most of the way home. My Doctor isn't sure exactly what's wrong with me. He said maybe bronchitis (which I've had several times, and never like this) and maybe an Upper respirator infection (which I've also had several times and never like this). All he could say for sure is that I don't have pneumonia, and that he wanted to draw blood to check some things. He didn't say what things. I'm hoping it's just an exceptionally bad case of bronchitis. In any case, he prescribed a really strong antibiotic and Robitussein DM, (I can't have what he wanted to prescribe because it has codeine in it, and that would make me even sicker, learned that one that hard way at FSU.) Bottom line, I felt about 50% better after one dose of antibiotics. Thank God for modern medicine. Now I just have a bad cough and a stuffy nose and a little bit of dizziness. And 2 more days of bed rest.
2 more things, my wonderful girlfriend bought me a fuzzy poster to color and DVDs of Highschool musical and Fraggle Rock. She also brought me about 15 DVDs from her collection because she loves me and knows how hard it is for me to sit still for so long.
Also, just found out that one of her pets is really sick. :( Which is horrible, and super upsetting. So send your thoughts and well wishes her way. I love you baby. :(
Anyway, Wish me luck. Drop me some love. Sorry this blog is so self-involved and boring, but this is my whole experience for the past week. Now I need to get off here, because somehow I don't think bloggin is the same as bed rest.
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