Everything I think is wrong. I hear and see what I want to believe. This inevitably ends up hurting me in the end. Worse, it hurts me way before the end so I have to lick my wounds and bandage myself up before the finish line. I don't think I've ever hit a finish line. I have found things that make me feel better, but they are a temporary and detrimental soothe. It's a viscious cycle and soon I may run out of canvas.
I'm evil? Your attitude is downright Christian, Jen Phillips. Have you ever heard the word 'bigot', Jen? Do you know what it means? I suggest you take a minute and define it. I'm not going to pretend I know what God wants from you- but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that using words like "nigger" and "queer" and being the biggest racist, homophobic bitch the world has ever seen doesn't sit well with him. You know nothing about me- as your comment fully proves. I'd venture to say you know nothing about anyone. I took a few minutes while writing this post and thought of all the things I could say, and decided not to say most of them. Yes, Jen- I can be horrible. I can be viscious. I sometimes give more than I take. I'm a human being. As for my friends being tired of my whining and (How did you so gently put it? Suicidalness?)- I do believe that's between me and them and since not one single person I know can stand the sight of you, I doubt very much that you have a better understanding of what's going on than I do. Jen, I've accomplished something you probably never will- I have real friends. I have friends who love me. As far as I'm concerned, that's a lot. If I annoy you, stop reading my website. Stop picking fights with my sister. Stop getting involved in every area of my life you possibly can. I'm hateful of you because you're very very easy to hate. You have to know that, right?
And just for the record, I'd trade one million of you and just about every other person on this planet for MY "nigger" and MY "queer". If you so much as give Tekoa or John (or Grace, or anyone else for that matter) a sideways look, I will beat the living shit out of you.
Jenn Philips is fat. Plus she looks like a jew. An ugly one at that.
libel. You can be sued for that. Putting threats in writing is never a good idea.
By the way, Jen...
Let me know the next time that you and your dad plan on bringing the tv outside and watching it. I trust it'll be in that fancy little tent you've got going in the backyard. I'll never forget the day I saw you two doing that. Funniest day of my life.
Okay Jen, youre not the only familiar with legal concepts and defintions. Had you been paying any attention, maybe you would have realized your original post is considered libel, jackass. But I guess your "learning disability" got in your way.
-Jaime Wachter
Yay this is so fun I can say what I want and you blame it on some chick.
Jamie, arent you turning 21 this year?? You were supposed to have your whole life figured out by the time you got out of highschool. Jesus!! How could you be such an idiot?....Umm, not! Looks like I started off on a bad foot as well. And so did the other 5 billion people out there who are 20 years old and just beginning their life. WE ALL ARE DOOMED! DOOMED I SAY! What is one to do? Maybe ill go to school and learn how to wave a little flashlight to help planes land. I hear thats a fantastic job. They even teach those with learning disabilities how to do this!
First of all, i don't think someone should be saying this to someone they obviously do not know anything about. If you know Jamie, which you don't, you'll know that she is a wonderful, caring, beautiful, and understanind person. You are obviously jealous of her, or you wouldn't be pointing out her friends. Maybe thats why you are so caught up in Jamie's life, you obviously do not have one of your own friends. I think you shouls stop ruining everyone's elses lives and look at how crappy yours is. Umm hello, your how old and still living at home, I don't think you have a job and you ruining everyone's lives for a living. Wake- up call freak get a life, make a life, do something and STOP MAKING EVERYONE'S LIFE AS MISERABLE AS YOURS
Theres too much ass to back up....Its not possible
new car
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