What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Guilt, I banish thee... hey, where are you??

I am always in the middle, because I put myself there. I think I'm more powerful than I am, so I try to fix things- sometimes before they are even an issue- and end up making them hella worse... Why do I do this? Why do I constantly feel guilty about things that have NOTHING to do with me? Guilt is a topic that's been coming up a lot lately in my world. To me, guilt is this nagging feeling to say something, to do something, to try to make things right or better. Guilt has a different look every time , so it's hard for me to put my finger on it until it's too late. To break through the guilt, I have to do whatever it's nagging me to do. Apologize, even if you don't think you're wrong. Guilt is a smooth-talker and it whispers to me all the time- Offer yourself, even if you don't think you really should. Fix things, even if you're not involved. Make everyone around you feel better. And I fail, or I get used or hurt or put myself in a position where I'm stirring shit up that I have no business in. Then I just feel sad. And Sad usually has the same sour, panicky, blue persona. and that I can deal with. Guilt and it's ever changing interface, it's never ending shape shifting, it's ability to show up anywhere, I can't handle. Anyway, my point is I'm sad because I can't identify guilt and banish it, so I fall through another level of feeling, usually landing right on the weakest part of me at the moment. Can't these fucking emotions carry ID badges?


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