Obama and the Gay Rights Fight
Obama won! Yay. It's wonderful, it's history, it's something to be proud of... but...
All of the gay-related legislation turned into a disaster.
I am so let down by my country right now. California passed prop. 8. California, possibly the state that the rest of the country would have looked up to in deciding on their own gay rights issues, has voted to ban same-sex marriages. This, after already granting the right a few months ago.
I don't even know what to say. It's so embarrassing. What's even more embarassing is the lack of knowledge about this prop in the GLBT community as well as the straight community. No one cares. Even my GLBT friends say "What's prop 8? Oh well, Obama won. Things will change!!!" No. The president can't just run around making willy-nilly decisions based on his own personal beliefs. I'm a little bit heartbroken. And it's not just prop 8. Several states has gay-rights legislation and they all voted in favor of the christian conservatives and not in favor of the rights of other human beings. It's mind-boggling. I have to stop now. I have 5 hours of C.E.R.T. training ahead of my and if I start crying now it might not end.
Obama may not be able to just legalize gay marriages across the board but maybe (hopefully) Obama will make an effort to educate people and show people that there is not reason why gays can't marry. :)
Lets hope for the best!!
whoever you are, thanks for the optimism.
Barack Obama and Gay Marriage/ Civil Unions:
Although Barack Obama has said that he supports civil unions, he is against gay marriage. In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."
Barack Obama did vote against a Federal Marriage Amendment and opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.
He said he would support civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, as well as letting individual states determine if marriage between gay and lesbian couples should be legalized.
"Giving them a set of basic rights would allow them to experience their relationship and live their lives in a way that doesn't cause discrimination," Obama said. "I think it is the right balance to strike in this society."
Sources: Chicago Daily Tribune, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
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