Batman Begins
AMAZING. I have to say, I absolutely loved it. Possibly one of the best movies I've ever seen, let alone the best Batman film. I'm so glad it was good, after my dissapointment in Starwars ( I've been abused for it, don't worry). Christian Bale, hands down, played the best Bruce Wayne out of all of them. I'm tempted to post my list of first to last, the best actiros to play batman, but I'lll spare all of you. Suffice it to say that Bale is the best. I also think that Katie Holmes is the best "batgirl" -as Tekoa would say- I've seen. She's beautiful. Christian Bale is beautiful. Cillian Murphy is beautiful (although not really in this movie). I was a little over stimulated. It was actually reall funny, too. Although, again, myself and Jaime were the only people laughing in the theatre. "No, I just wanted you to know how hard it was." But seriously, brilliant movie. Now, onto the bad news; Tom Cruise is marrying Katie Holmes. Enough said.
This is quickly becoming one of my favorite movies of all time. I loved it.
I already bypassed my typical "Favorites List" regulation of a waiting period of one year following release for a film to make my "Top Ten."
Batman is officially in the "Top Ten Favorite Films" list. I don't have a specific order, but I would put it in the rotating top three, with a strong inclination to make it my favorite film of all time.
It's better to have a Richardson as an ally than an opposition.
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