What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I always start these by saying "Wow! It's been forever since I've posted!" so there it is. It's been forever. I hope that at least one person out there clicks my link sometime in the near future and is genuinely excited at the prospect of reading words written by moi. But that is doubtful. I quit starbucks. Yes, really. It was getting so bad there. I'm not going to slander anyone, but suffice it to say that the management is absolutely hideous... and this is coming from someone who's worked for some pretty nasty starbucks managers. But that's all I'm going to say. I've spent most of my summer working for a special needs day camp out of Lake Waterford in Severna park, MD. I wouldn't trade my stressful, underpaid time there for anything. maybe if I can figure out how I'll get some pictures from my phone on here and show you some of my favorite (I know I shouldn't have favorites) campers. I really want to write about a million short stories about this summer. I'm also working for Toyota at night- which is either good or awful depending on how I'm feeling from minute to minute- but I hope to quit soon to find something better. I recently turned 22 and am absolutely going through a weird mental 1/4 life crisis. In general I'm feeling good, though. I registered for one class today even though I can't afford even that one because I really feel like not taking classes this semster will literally stomp me down into the deepest depression imaginable. So yeah, that's a very quick recap of my summer. Busy busy busy!


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