What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Isn't she brilliant?

From the fantastic mind of my best friend Koa via myspace in Frostburg, MD. I laughed so hard when I read this. Enjoy.

Baltimore is one of almost 60 cities who are testing out rubber sidewalks. No joke. There are already some downtown on Pratt Street by the inner harbor. They are suppose to be more expensive then concrete but require less maintance.
So because I have such a imaginative (or stoner, which ever you want to call it) mind, of course I got to thinking. "Rubber sidewalks?! That sounds amazing!"
But then I had a few questions. Majoritiy surrounding injuries. Like if you were to trip and fall on a rubber sidewalk would there be no bruising and scraping? And then would the idea of someone falling on a public street no longer be funny because of the lack of physical pain involved?
What if a person was trying to commit suicide from jumping out of a building? When they hit the sidewalk would they just bounce back up? Would they become even more suicidal because they have failed at yet another thing in their worthless life?
Rubber sidewalks would come in handy when you dropped your cell phone. Or your baby
But I would have to say that rubber sidewalks have to be a lot more comfortable to sleep on for the homeless in Baltimore. I guess if the government can't offer them housing they can do their best to make the street living conditions more accomidating.
And what else will soon take on a rubber personality? The bark that I used to play on at the playground has transformed into little rubber imitation bark pieces. So are rubber buildings and public transporation in our future. Or staying on the same concept of rubber sidewalks, will there soon be rubber streets? Will tires have to be converted to concrete? Just some things to think about people.

I love you Koa! a TON!


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