What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sleeplessness and Bad Dreams

Why can't I sleep? I'm tired all the time, but once I get into bed I can't stay asleep long enough and I'm constantly waking. In the event that I do sleep fora long time, I wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all. Anyone? Last night I had horrible dreams. Like, really bad dreams that made me very upset. Does anyone else have dreams that stick with them all day? Ugh. They weren't really nightmares in the technical sense of the word, just horrible situations and a desperate feeling that no one cared about me. And one of them, I would wake up, think of how much like shit I felt and how upset I was, go back to sleep and basically continue that dream. Gross. Nighttime experiments in depression. Maybe I could trick John and Tekoa into taking turns sitting by my bed while I sleep. and driving me to work. and taking me to school. oooooh, I'm going to become rich so I can literally pay them both to do nothing else but hang out with me. We can call them "personal assistants" or something, but really they'll just be being paid for being their wonderful, incredible selves. As much as I joke, John and Tekoa are fabulous. I don't know how else to put it besides this- I love them both very much.


At 10:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah that's right.


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