What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Okay, so I've been a little lazy about posting, especially since the Garbage concert was last Thursday night. It was AWESOME. Really really awesome, not only because the band did an amazing job, but because John and I had a blast...Besides getting lost on the way there and the way back. We met some really nice people and that's not something we usually do. (Check out one of them here: Kenny) The show was incredible!!! Shirley sounded fabulous, and looked even better. (Set list: Queer, Bad Boyfriend, Supervixen, Stupid Girl, Run Baby Run, Hammering in my Head, When I grow up, Vow, Bleed Like Me, Paranoid, Push it, Only happy, Why Do You Love Me~ Think they'll be coming back for an encore!?~ Metal Heart, Cherry Lips, Sex is Not the Enemy)We got there super early, so we were the 4th and 5th people in line and therefore were right up front. I mean that literally; we were so close. Check the pictures on Kenny's website. We were as close as he was. In any case! Drama in line when some stupid people tried to get in the front. Complete morons; the guy called the police because a girl behind us threw an Altoid at his wife. Then he got all up in the faces of our new friends (We bonded over two kinds of Garbage; the band and the streets of D.C. Aaah.) I think that Altoid- guy may be the most hated man on the earth, right up there with Hitler and Dennis Quaid. Just joking, Just Joking; I know not everyone hates Hitler. Crap, where was I? Oh yes, the crazies. The police came and nothing really happened, but they def killed our buzz (all natural, of course) for a little bit. They got theirs eventually, thought. They weren't let in until after everyone else and I'm pretty sure some angry Garbage fan gutted them in the alley after the show. I'm way off topic. They were filming a video during this concert, apparently for a music video. Neat, huh? As per the set list, the last song was "Sex is not The Enemy" To more understand the situation, get lyrics Here. At the end of the song she flashed the audience, but she had on a flesh colored coverup. So when she flashes us, Cops come out on stage and drag her away. Read the lyrics, read my story. Staged for the video? YES! Seriously guys, people were crying and freaking out a protesting. Dumb! All right. Any questions? It's 1130p and I have to be up at 430am after barely any sleep all week. So. Ima go to bed. Maybe I'll post a more in-depth altoid story later. (and if Kenny, Ryan or Derek happen to make it here- HI!)


At 2:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Somebody just threw an altoid candy at my wife!!!!!!"

Love, John.

At 7:55 AM , Blogger Jamie said...

"and I want them arrested!"

At 5:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, you left out the best part....
"Oh you were the first in front of the stop sign. NO!"
I love it, I love it.


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