I just completed my ASL Final Exam. It's my last one for the semester. I'm really not sure how well I did, but I'm pretty confident that I passed all my classes. (I'll update for the people that actually read my blog AND care about my academics...which I'm thinking might be 2 people if I'm lucky.) This semester has been different from the other 7 I've experienced in college, because I actually have a major and I'm proud of what I've accomplished. It's odd to not feel completely objectiveless, and while graduation still seems like a million years away- I have a goal. It feels good. Now, the next task in life is Christmas. Yes, Christmas is a task for me. I have to get my shopping done somehow, even though I work everyday from yesterday right up until Christmas Eve. Hey, at least I don't have a million papers and presentations to put together. Aaah, the "freedom" of winter break.