What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I am so sickened by people. I was reading comments on a news story about prop 8 today and people couldn't have been any more terrible. They were saying things like:

  • Gayness can be treated (oh really?)
  • Gay people should have to identify themselves so straight people will know when they're being looked at. (we may have to find a way of reading people's minds first- as I see plenty of cunty-ass 18 year olds eyeing me up in GAP every week. It's not because they're picturing me naked.)
  • Gay people deserve less rights than chickens because chickens serve a purpose and faggots and dykes do not. (Got me there. I can't produce children with only another woman... and I can't lay an egg. So are woman an men who can't produce children on their own less valuable than chicken?)

It's literally enough to make me crawl under my covers and cry. I can't believe these people still exist. I can't believe that there are millions of people out there (in california alone) that believe that if I am with a woman instead of a man- I deserve no equal rights. I know I'm young, and I know this makes me hopelessly optimistic and very opened to getting my feelings hurt- but I'm absolutely crushed. I can't believe this country. The polls say that mostly black californians voted for Prop 8. SHAME ON YOU ALL. How can you sit there and talk about the opression you have faced, and then opress others? I'm sickened by this country right now. We have a black president- which is wonderful- but we still don't afford every indivdual the same rights based on a mesh of church and state that shouldn't exist in the first place. I need to stop now, because I'm going to say things that will offend.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama and the Gay Rights Fight

Obama won! Yay. It's wonderful, it's history, it's something to be proud of... but...

All of the gay-related legislation turned into a disaster.
I am so let down by my country right now. California passed prop. 8. California, possibly the state that the rest of the country would have looked up to in deciding on their own gay rights issues, has voted to ban same-sex marriages. This, after already granting the right a few months ago.

I don't even know what to say. It's so embarrassing. What's even more embarassing is the lack of knowledge about this prop in the GLBT community as well as the straight community. No one cares. Even my GLBT friends say "What's prop 8? Oh well, Obama won. Things will change!!!" No. The president can't just run around making willy-nilly decisions based on his own personal beliefs. I'm a little bit heartbroken. And it's not just prop 8. Several states has gay-rights legislation and they all voted in favor of the christian conservatives and not in favor of the rights of other human beings. It's mind-boggling. I have to stop now. I have 5 hours of C.E.R.T. training ahead of my and if I start crying now it might not end.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day

I'm extremely antsy about this election.

Please vote NO on Prop 8. Please vote for Barack Obama.

As Dan Savage said..
"If you're voting for Obama, please make sure you cast your vote! and if you're voting for John McCain- fuck you. "

Monday, November 03, 2008


I'm having some serious issues. I hate this time of year. I get so depressed. I have a lot on my mind-some things I don't want in my mind that I just can't get rid of. Do you ever feel guilty for your thoughts or the way you feel? I really really don't like when the times change and it gets dark early. I'll be going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. My Dad was here this weekend. It was okay, B was a little annoying. She's so passive agressive. My Dad was great, though and I got really emotional when he left this morning. I don't know what to do with myself. As usual. It's November.