What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

working girl working girl working girl

I now have 3 jobs. I have them divided like this:

1 job is for health insurance and my car
2 job is for cash
3 job is for passsiiioonnnnnnn

I hesitate to become too detailed here, though no one reads this. The 3rd of said jobs is a position within the Deaf community, and I think it's going to be wonderful. I will basically hang out with Deaf, mentally ill people. I can take them places, chat, and just generally have fun. I'm super excited. I find myself improving in my receptive skills already. I'm one of 2 hearing people that work there, everyone else is completely daf or hard of hearing. If I just relax and forget that I'm signing instead of speaking I do much better. I honestly can't believe I'm out there and doing this. I feel like I'm at such an exciting part of my life right now. What a dork, right? :)