What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I sent this e-mail to my Mother and John, and after I clicked 'send' I realized how ridiculous it is.

Good Morning!
I just want to let you both know that it's 747am and I have already had 4 glasses of water. Also, I split my knee open at the gym on the stationary bike because I was a tiny bit hung over and didn't realize that I was too tall for the setting. I had to be bandaged up by Nick, the super-attractive-and-I-know-it guy at the gym who finished my first aid by saying "It's all you now, baby girl". I have no idea what that means. I blame this accident on Tekoa for feeding me margaritas on a wed night and Fergie, who's song was distracting me at the time. In other news, it's professional Thursday (previously "grown-man" Thursday) and while everyone else is wearing proffessional attire, I have opted to wear baggy jeans, dirty flip flops and a T-shirt of Grace's that is super casual and 2 sizes too big for me. (The only good thing involving my clothes is that 2 months ago these clothes were NOT too big for me. so yay) I was told this morning that I look like Melissa Etheridge, which kind of makes me suicidal.
Happy Thursday!


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Um... what?

Ross Perot is selling the Magna Carta? How odd....

Friday, September 21, 2007

Renn Fest happynest!

Okay, so Inknow that "happynest" isn't a word but I wanted it to rhyme. I'm so excited about this weekend!!!! let me tell you who's coming to see me from out of town!


Ben's BF (who's name we still don't know)




I am so excited that I could jump for joy and maybe pee! Also, I got my hair done. I'll try and post pictures when I can. And I'll also try and post pictures of Rennfest. I'm really trying to make my blog current again... eventhough hardly anyone looks at it!

Friday, September 14, 2007


I just got yelled at by a dealer. His name, Jim. He's probably 40 years old, from connecticut.
"I mailed in this payment a month ago. This letter should have never been sent. It's your error that it was generated. It's your error that it was sent. It's your error that we're having this phone call."
"I'm sorry. Let me take a look at this.... 3 second pause..."
"Oh great, you debited me, didn't you? You better not have debited me!"
"Okay, I don't see that that check was proc to this account. Is there anyway you can send me a copy of the cancelled check?"
"The cancelled check? A CANCELLED CHECK!? This is 2007, who has a cancelled check?"
"All of my other dealers, sir, can send me cancelled checks. But it's okay that you can't. I can help you with this, but you're going to have to work with me. Do you have a good number I can get you at? "
"I'll just hold."
"I can't have you hold for that long, I have to go and speak to someone else about this and I'd really prefer to just call you back."
"FINE!" click.
really nice guy.