I am so sickened by people. I was reading comments on a news story about prop 8 today and people couldn't have been any more terrible. They were saying things like:
- Gayness can be treated (oh really?)
- Gay people should have to identify themselves so straight people will know when they're being looked at. (we may have to find a way of reading people's minds first- as I see plenty of cunty-ass 18 year olds eyeing me up in GAP every week. It's not because they're picturing me naked.)
- Gay people deserve less rights than chickens because chickens serve a purpose and faggots and dykes do not. (Got me there. I can't produce children with only another woman... and I can't lay an egg. So are woman an men who can't produce children on their own less valuable than chicken?)
It's literally enough to make me crawl under my covers and cry. I can't believe these people still exist. I can't believe that there are millions of people out there (in california alone) that believe that if I am with a woman instead of a man- I deserve no equal rights. I know I'm young, and I know this makes me hopelessly optimistic and very opened to getting my feelings hurt- but I'm absolutely crushed. I can't believe this country. The polls say that mostly black californians voted for Prop 8. SHAME ON YOU ALL. How can you sit there and talk about the opression you have faced, and then opress others? I'm sickened by this country right now. We have a black president- which is wonderful- but we still don't afford every indivdual the same rights based on a mesh of church and state that shouldn't exist in the first place. I need to stop now, because I'm going to say things that will offend.