There's a log in my eye!
I can't be on good terms with all of my friends at the same time. This is a problem I have had for as long as I can remember, and it's probably my own doing. In the same way I want and sometimes expect my friends to be completely accessible to me , the people who I am atttracted to as friends are the same way. I understand this. Sometimes I demand a little unconditional love, don't we all? Most of us choose to surround ourselves with people who will put up with us when we turn into these versions of ourselves. I don't mind catering, because I know that soon enough it will be my turn and someone will have to cater to me. This is the cycle of friendship. Two problems can arise in this scenario; you have friend who only likes to be catered to (which I have, but that's a whole other story for another blog) OR, and this is the kicker, the catering interferes with another. Stay with me here, I will make a point.
I can't be in two places at once. I can't control what's happening around me, and a lot of times I don't want to. I will not "trade up" friends. I'm usually confident in the friendships I have. I am not unlike others, I do have rocky periods with those close to me. I know that there are at least a few people who really love me. However, lately I've been having a problem where I need to be loved and forgiven even when I can't ask for it... and so does the person I'm not asking. I'd like to sit here and say that everyone should just be forgiving and let things go- but how can I say that when I can't do the same. Who's going to start the cycle? Who'll forgive the speck in their brother's eye and remove the log from their own?