Would you like a side of linoleum with that?
Tuesday marked the beggining of my semester. I'm thrilled to see that I have Barbara Kanapelle as my teacher again. I told myself that no matter who I had it would be okay because different teachers just mean that I learn more about the language and different people's use of it- but I'm still glad to have her. I was also nervous that I'd lost some skills over the summer, but am releived to say that I understood almost everything she signed to the class. Seems like a perfect day, right? Easy job, fun class- life is good... oh, but there's more, upon arriving home I found my Mother standing at the kitchen sink nearly in tears. It's then that I glance around and find that my fantastic puppy somehow managed to move our stove away from the wall and tear up a 4x4 foot square of linoleum from our kitchen. 2 things plauge me about this- the first is that fact that my dog is really really bad and I will, make no mistake, hear about this for the rest of my natural born life and then some. The second is- HOW!?!?!?! This is not a Mastiff we're talking about. This is not a Great Dane. This is Ginger. (Why did that come off sounding like an ad campaign?) I'm not sure what to do about her. She's left outside, she gets off her runner and gets picked up by the pound, we leave her in the garage she eats through wires and walls and doors, we leave her in the house and it gets destroyed, too. Someone PLEASE help. Do I have a Satan dog, or is this just the way puppies are? any comments from anyone in the world would be helpful, please!