I sent this e-mail to my Mother and John, and after I clicked 'send' I realized how ridiculous it is.
Good Morning!
I just want to let you both know that it's 747am and I have already had 4 glasses of water. Also, I split my knee open at the gym on the stationary bike because I was a tiny bit hung over and didn't realize that I was too tall for the setting. I had to be bandaged up by Nick, the super-attractive-and-I-know-it guy at the gym who finished my first aid by saying "It's all you now, baby girl". I have no idea what that means. I blame this accident on Tekoa for feeding me margaritas on a wed night and Fergie, who's song was distracting me at the time. In other news, it's professional Thursday (previously "grown-man" Thursday) and while everyone else is wearing proffessional attire, I have opted to wear baggy jeans, dirty flip flops and a T-shirt of Grace's that is super casual and 2 sizes too big for me. (The only good thing involving my clothes is that 2 months ago these clothes were NOT too big for me. so yay) I was told this morning that I look like Melissa Etheridge, which kind of makes me suicidal.
Happy Thursday!