What's that say about me?

Random (sometimes) entertaining prattle from the mind of a rather ordinary girl with extraordinary powers.

Friday, February 29, 2008


I'm tired.

I have more homework than I can finish without it cutting into my social life.

Went to the gym late today.

Left the gym early.

Ate McDonalds.

Yay Friday. Yay Tekoa.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Free 5ive

Kate Moennig
Tegan Quin
Harrison Ford
Chrissy Hynde
Rose Rollins/Christian Bale*

*I'm undecided.

Just thought I'd let the world know. :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I really believe this is true.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

lookin sexy!..and like a terror...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

High Five!!!

2 things...
#1, and most imprtant- Max is getting his leg amputated today. Keep him in your thoughts!

#2, okay, My manager came over to say good morning and I said 'Hey! I released 1600 or so repo holds yesterday!" he got a huge smile on his face and then did something to me that hasn't been done to me in years.
Something that made my stomach drop.
Something that embarassed me.
Something that made me feel like I was not an adult working for an adult, but a 7 year old who just scored his first point in little league.
He High-5ed me.Yes, he HIGH-5ed me- and not just any high-5. Oh no, it was a DOUBLE handed high 5. and he actually said "All Right!!" When he did it. Wow. at least he didn't say "High-5!!!"
I feel like we should be on a wheaties box together.
Okay, Happy Thursday.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Golden Orji

Real name of a customer. No lie. Hysterical.

(PS- it's snowing, I hate the people I work with and I don't want to go to class tonight.)

Happy Wed!

Friday, February 15, 2008

What a difference a night makes.

I got a good night sleep last night. almost 8 full hours. it was fab and I feel very refreshed this morning, and very ready for my fun weekend. I do, however, have one complaint.
Could I please stop dreaming about babies?
A few nights ago I had a dream in which a friend's adopted daughter fell down a hill into a wall. Lovely. A dream about smashed babies. It was really strange. There is absolutely no reason for me to be dreaming about these people, or their possible children in the future. But last night was worse...
I was very, very pregnant. Like, 6 months. And I didn't know until right before we went to the doctors office. And 1/4 of me was really excited, but the rest of me was really anxious and upset and scared and worried. So the doctor takes me back. and I'm laying on this bed, the same bed in fact, that I get my eyebrows waxed on in the salon. and he's checking me out. He looks at me and says "Are you ready?" and reaches inside of me and pulls out this tiny baby, and the baby looks dead. So I start to freak out and he reassures me that this is how they check babies now before they're born. The baby isn't dead, it just isn't alive yet because the abortionists are right- babies aren't alive until they're born. Fucking Weird. Then he tells me....that he has to put the baby back. and I remember laying there with my eyes closed and the same feeling that you get when they are about to wax a really sensitive part of you. Like "ohmygodthisisgoingtohurtsomuch" thought. So strange. When I woke up I was hysterical and I literally had to talk myself down and say to myself "there's no way you're pregnant, there is absolutely no way you're pregnant and even if you were they would never pull out a un-living slimy baby and then put it back."

Not a dream that's easily forgotten.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A word on Valentine's Day...

I still think it's silly. I won't re-post my rantings and ravings about it, though. It's on this blog enough. I just want to re-iterate- if you love someone, then Valentine's Day shouldn't be anything special. That being said, I've sent my flowers and bought my candy just like every other good robot in America. It's so hard to take a stand. ;)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Sweat Swallowed Surgery
on a beautiful day
summoned summer
swept some psychology
Pruned against my puddle.