About once a month I am blindsidedly reminded of why it's a bad idea for me to go to dinner with my parents. I am constantly concerned with what they're thinking about me- but when they try to tell me what they're thinking about me, I refuse to hear them. I have yet to figure out if this is my problems or theirs, but everytime I am around them I become an even more ultra-sensitive version of my former self. What I say, my hairstyle, my opinions and beliefs all become vulnerable point. If I hear the words "Where's your sense of humor!?" from my Dad or "Jamie, everyone is like that." from my Mom again, I might explode. How's this- some things just aren't funny and some things are unique to certain people. I consider myself unique (in some respects, anyway) and I think I have a damn good sense of humor- I'm just cautious about for whom I am performing. I am not particularly warm to the idea of "being me" for people who hold my personality captive for the next argument we have, so they can crush it between their fingers and make me feel invisible. I was watching a movie called "Bang, Bang, You're Dead" earlier. A girl in the movie wanted to be in a play father didn't want her to be in. After about 30 seconds of arguing the Father walks away and says "You can't reason with her!" I felt those lines like someone has sharpened them and stuck them into my flesh. The interesting thing is that this was one of the better dinners with Mom and Dad.